Your Urgent Help Is Needed

It is no secret that our GTHS Animal Centre is at, and often beyond, capacity. We started this week with 15 dogs in our care and another 7 on the waitlist. Our staff and volunteers have been working tirelessly, as they always do, to facilitate adoptions, and coordinate foster care to ensure our Animal Centre houses the most urgent cases. Then we received an emergency call from local animal control…

Eight dogs were found on a remote, dead-end road in Grey County, suspected of having been abandoned. Not all dogs have been recovered, and some remain unaccounted for, but on Wednesday we welcomed four of these animals into our care. These young dogs were clearly unsure of us – they wanted to trust, but the last few days must have taken a toll.

I commend our team for their quick and compassionate response over the last 24 hours, helping to ensure these animals receive the comfort and care they deserve during their intake and medical assessments. They have been given food, medical support, and even new names – Diomedes, Archidamus, Dion and Leonine. There is still a long road ahead for these brave animals to fully recover before they are ready for their forever homes. Urgent support is needed for medical care, surgeries, and supplies.

I wish this was an isolated incident, but as our communities continue to face unprecedented economic and access to care challenges for their pets, animals continue to be victims of abandonment. Just last week, we took in Javier and Penelope, a pair of small and very affectionate dogs left to fend for themselves behind the Wasaga Adventure Park in Wasaga Beach. Day to day, our staff and volunteers face immeasurable sadness and tragic situations. What helps us through the hard times with these pets is hope they will have a better future.

An example of this is the beautiful Billy Rose. She was found in Bruce County, tied to a stop sign, with a shoelace knotted tight around her muzzle. When she first came into our care, she was understandably nervous around people. But after receiving emergency care, our volunteers worked with her to foster trust and reveal her true spirit; a sweet, playful pup eager to find a forever home.


I am thrilled to say that after four weeks in our care Billy Rose was adopted, given her second chance at a happy, healthy life with her new family. I am so proud of the caring and dedicated staff and volunteers that make these happy endings possible; but they can’t do it alone.

We estimate the medical and care costs could reach up to $10,000 for Diomedes, Archidamus, Dion and Leonine. This includes their urgent needs, spay and neuter surgeries, vaccinations, microchip, medications, food and enrichment. Please consider making a donation for their care and for dogs just like them. Every dollar counts and it counts NOW.

Please help us raise $10,000 to care for these sweet puppies.


Together we can change their lives and the lives of dogs just like them. Together we can take them from abandoned to adopted.


Sonya Reichel
Executive Director, Georgian Triangle Humane Society


Stay informed on GTHS events, initiatives and programs. Learn how the GTHS team is serving the pets and people of the South Georgian Bay Area. Read heart-warming Happy Tails about GTHS Alumni. See a lot of really cute pictures of dogs and cats!