Starting Life On The Right PAW: Bottle Baby Kittens

January is all about awareness for our PAW Monthly Donor Program. The Georgian Triangle Humane Society is incredibly grateful to our monthly donors for providing consistent and reliable resources to help pets and people in need. Thank you to our monthly donors for this story of survival and starting these kittens off on the right PAW.

Meet HAMISH, FAYE and BLAZE, three sweet little tabby siblings. They came to the Georgian Triangle Humane Society when they were just three weeks old, rejected by their mama, after being found by a concerned community member on a rural property. At three days old, kittens eyes and ears are still closed and they are completely reliant on their mom, once in our care they came became completely reliant on us. The first three weeks of a kittens life are crucial to survival.

Caring for kittens that need to be bottle fed is an intimate and intricate type of care. One that requires around the clock feedings, waking up all hours through the night. This includes stimulating them by simulating a mama cats touch to relieve kittens and to clean them, monitoring their body temperature and so much more. Kittens who are orphaned or rejected by their mama  cat have to be bottle fed with KMR (kitten meal replacement formula) up until they are four to five weeks old! HAMISH, FAYE and BLAZE were going through approximately 1 small can of KMR a day when they were solely being bottle fed. GTHS stock could not keep up! It is hard work but so rewarding to watch these babies grow and thrive Their care is only possible because of experienced foster homes, the GTHS Animal Hospital and resources made possible because of our PAW donors.

HAMISH, FAYE and BLAZE lucked out in an experienced foster home. It is safe to say that these three feisty kittens stole the hearts of their foster family, but perhaps GTHS Alumni Aoife most of all. When the kittens were extra small Aoife would assist her mom for every overnight feeding to make sure she did everything correctly. As the kittens grew she got to play with them and even occasionally steal their kitten food as they got older!

Their story is not unique. Each year over 1,500 animals come to the GTHS in need. Monthly donors support purchasing:

  • Lifesaving supplies for our hospital such as syringes, needles, and medications
  • Food, supplements, and treats for homeless animals in care
  • KMR, bottles and nipples that feed and fuel kittens like HAMISH, FAYE and BLAZE
  • Microchips and vaccinations, PPE, operational supplies and everything needed to operate the Animal Centre at Tenth Line that help thousands of pets and people in need each year

Join the monthly donor program today! Learn more here.

Video of Aiofe and the babies.

Stay informed on GTHS events, initiatives and programs. Learn how the GTHS team is serving the pets and people of the South Georgian Bay Area. Read heart-warming Happy Tails about GTHS Alumni. See a lot of really cute pictures of dogs and cats!