Surrendering Your Pet

We are currently booking appointments for feline surrenders and offering waitlist placements for canines in need of rehoming. However, due to a significant waitlist, we will not be able to offer any immediate placements.

We remind you that surrenders and waitlist additions are by appointment only and can be arranged by contacting our Intake Coordinator at 705-445-5204 (ext. 210) to discuss your unique situation. We thank you for your continued cooperation and patience.

PLEASE NOTE: Our last day of intakes for 2024 will be on Thursday, December 19th and then we will re-open for intakes on Thursday, January 2nd, 2025.

At the GTHS, we understand that sometimes you have to make the difficult decision to give up your pet. We offer a surrender program to meet this need. As a charity that operates without government funding, we do ask for surrender fees. We will not turn away an animal based on an inability to pay the surrender fee. By contributing to our program you ensure that we can continue to help animals in need. If our Animal Centre is full, we will ask that you join our waiting list. We accept animals based on our resources and our ability to provide high quality of care. Once surrendered, your pet will receive a veterinary examination, spay/neuter surgery if needed, behaviour assessment and when ready, she/he will be placed for adoption.

To surrender a pet call (705) 445-5204 ext. 210

Stay informed on GTHS events, initiatives and programs. Learn how the GTHS team is serving the pets and people of the South Georgian Bay Area. Read heart-warming Happy Tails about GTHS Alumni. See a lot of really cute pictures of dogs and cats!