Monday Musings: Evacuations – Get Prepared With Your Pet

Article provided by the OSPCA

The Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management wants to help you be prepared for an emergency. Check out these tips from them on how to safely prepare for evacuations with your pets.

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Pets and Evacuations

If it’s too dangerous for you to stay, it’s too dangerous for your pet to stay.

If safety permits, pets should not be left behind during an evacuation as they may be lost, injured or even killed as a result of the emergency. Plan ahead to ensure that you have a safe place to take your pet.

• Find out about your municipality’s evacuation centre locations and related pet policies.

• Contact hotels and motels outside your immediate area and check their policy on accepting pets during an emergency.

• Ask friends and relatives outside your immediate area if they could shelter your pet(s) during an emergency.

• Include your pet in any local or family emergency drills and exercises. If an emergency occurs when you are not at home, you can still be prepared. Set up a buddy system with your neighbour. Make arrangements that in the event of an emergency and you are not home they will take care of your pet.

SHARE this post and encourage others to be prepared in case of an emergency with their pets.

Also take a look at the video on creating a pet emergency survival kit in case disaster strikes.






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