Why Leave A Legacy

Legacy gifts offer you an opportunity to build a charitable legacy, securing the love and care you want for animals. By leaving GTHS in your estate plans, you are saving animal lives through sheltering and adoption, veterinary care, emergency intakes and humane education. Your kindness to animals will make our community a better place to live. Planned effectively, legacy gifts can provide substantial financial benefits to the life-saving work of the GTHS, and substantial tax savings for you, while ensuring that pets will continue to feel your love into the future. Legacy Giving through the GTHS offers you an unparalleled opportunity to have an impact on the lives of animals today, while ensuring the love and care they need tomorrow. There are many ways your generosity may begin to establish your legacy. Gifts may be recognized in our Annual Reports, on our donor wall, in media releases and other publications, or provide naming opportunities in our facility.


What are the different gift options?

Gifts of Today

Leaving a gift for today ensures that the life-saving work being done by the GTHS on behalf of animals will have support to continue and grow.

Make a gift of cash to see your generosity in action to receive immediate tax benefits.

Giving appreciated securities is one of the most cost- and tax-effective ways to make a major impact for the animals you care about.

Gifts of Tomorrow

Leaving a gift for tomorrow provides you with the opportunity to create lasting impact and long-term solutions by helping future generations of vulnerable animals.

Designate a specific gift or a portion of your estate to create your legacy of perpetual care for animals, and your estate will receive an official tax receipt.

Life insurance is an affordable option that allows you to make an extraordinary gift to animal well-being. You can transfer ownership of a new or existing policy, or you can make the GTHS a full or partial beneficiary of a policy you continue to own.

You can designate the GTHS as a beneficiary of your RRSPs or RRIFs, or even a TFSA. Your gift qualifies for an official tax receipt and can offset tax payable on other assets of your estate.

If you have any questions or to discuss legacy giving, please reach out to our Philanthropy Team by emailing donations@gths.ca or calling 705-445-5204.

Frequently Asked Questions

By planning for the future, you can retain more of your assets, protect your estate, and leave a lasting legacy for yourself and your loved ones.

Everyone can benefit from the development of a Will, regardless of age or financial position. A carefully drafted Will is essential for your estate to be distributed in accordance with your wishes. It simplifies and speeds the transition of assets to the next generation, ensuring your beneficiaries are protected.

To get started, reach out to our Philanthropy Team by emailing donations@gths.ca or calling 705-445-5204 to receive resources to get you started.

When naming a charity such as the Georgian Triangle Humane Society (the GTHS) in your Will as a beneficiary, your estate will benefit from the charitable tax receipt offsetting taxes due. A bequest is the most common type of legacy gift. It is up to you to decide how your gift will be used, however a general gift allows the GTHS to direct the monies received to the areas of greatest need for urgent and future animal care.

Below, you will find suggested language to use when drawing up your Will. We recommend you consult your professional advisors if you are considering including the GTHS in your estate plans.

I give ($_____, or ____%, or specific asset) of my (estate or residual estate) to the Georgian Triangle Humane Society (the GTHS) to be used in the area of greatest need in supporting animal well-being.

Legal Name:  The Georgian Triangle Humane Society (The GTHS)
Charitable Business No:  868004185 RR0001

If you have special wishes regarding how you would like to design your legacy gift, please reach out to our Philanthropy Team by emailing donations@gths.ca or calling 705-445-5204.

We recognize the importance and impact of the work of professional advisors, including financial advisors, lawyers, trusts officers, and funeral directors.  Before meeting with your advisors, you may find it helpful to review the GTHS Guide to Preparing Your Will to support the process of considering your estate plans.  To to receive resources to get you started, please reach out to our Philanthropy Team by emailing donations@gths.ca or calling 705-445-5204.

Below you will find our legal name and charitable registration to provide to your advisors.

Legal Name:  The Georgian Triangle Humane Society (The GTHS)
Charitable Business No:  868004185 RR0001
Mailing Address:  549 Tenth Line, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 0W1
Phone:  705.445.5204
Email: donations@gths.ca

At the GTHS, our love of animals, like yours’, is eternal. If you have any questions or to discuss leaving a legacy to animals, please reach out to our Philanthropy Team by emailing donations@gths.ca or calling 705-445-5204.

Legacy Giving through the GTHS offers you an unparalleled opportunity to have an impact on the lives of animals today, while ensuring the love and care they need tomorrow.


Include the GTHS in your estate planning


Give in celebration, honour, or memory and help animals.

Tribute gifts mark life’s special moments and help the animals that come to the Georgian Triangle Humane Society every year.

We‘ll send a card, via mail or email, to the recipient — to notify them of your special tribute. Donations like yours’ will provide animals in need with compassionate care and a second chance at a happy life.

Stay informed on GTHS events, initiatives and programs. Learn how the GTHS team is serving the pets and people of the South Georgian Bay Area. Read heart-warming Happy Tails about GTHS Alumni. See a lot of really cute pictures of dogs and cats!