By Sonya Reichel, Shelter Manager for the GTHS,
At the GTHS our mission is to help as many homeless and abandoned animals as resources will allow. First priority is always given to our catchment area (Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, Meaford, The Blue Mountains and Clearview), however from time to time if we have the room, we will help our neighbouring friends in animal welfare.
With this in mind, when a former Collingwood resident Joanna M. called the GTHS Animal Shelter in December 2014, the shelter knew that if we had the resources, we would be happy to help.

“When I first contacted a volunteer from Underdog Express Rescue Transport I learned that Lea County
Humane Society takes in approximately 300 dogs a month and prior to this rescue helping with transports, they were euthanizing approximately 50% of their dogs for space. I knew immediately I wanted to help! Using my connections in Collingwood I found the number for the GTHS and called them immediately. Since approaching GTHS in December, we have been delighted and grateful for the openness with which our plan has been received. I am inspired by the trust GTHS has shown us by allowing us to choose ten little dogs and send them north sight unseen! Our dream may never have been brought to reality without the generousity and support of those at the Dunin Foundation.” – Joanna M. volunteer and animal welfare advocate
From this new partnership a plan was hatched and the flights were booked. After hours of organizing and planning, the Chihuahua rescue plan was set into motion!

On Monday March 23rd, the Chihuahua gang loaded a plane in their airplane-approved carriers to begin their journey to Buffalo. Upon arrival they were picked up by awaiting volunteers in a rented Cargo van. The van traveled across the American border and headed into Canada in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday March 24th. At 3:00 AM two very dedicated GTHS volunteers met the tired little dogs and their caregivers at a parking lot outside of Barrie. Carefully and slowly, they transferred the dogs into GTHS carriers and quickly started the final portion of the journey. The Chihuahuas were almost home!
The following days at the GTHS Animal Shelter were a whirlwind to say the least! With lots of new faces to meet and get to know, the GTHS Team rose to the challenge and accomplished jobs in teams in order to quickly and safely prepare them for adoption.
Over a one week period the Chihuahuas were named, examined, SAFER tested, fitted for coats and harnesses and photographed! Before too long the little munchkins were ready for their forever homes and on Monday March 30th they were posted for adoption on the GTHS website.
On Tuesday March 31st, after 12 hours on the GTHS website, Cheech found his forever home with a pre-approved GTHS adoptive home. The staff and volunteers at the GTHS were overjoyed! The rest of these lovely dogs can be viewed at