Georgian Bay Club Foundation supports community volunteers

The Georgian Triangle Humane Society (GTHS) is grateful to be the recipient of a grant that will help advance of the GTHS Volunteer Program. The $5000 grant provided from the Georgian Bay Club Foundation provides the necessary support and equipment to ensure volunteerism at the GTHS continues to thrive.

“Volunteers are the heartbeat of our organization; we simply could not survive without them. We are so grateful to the Georgian Bay Club Foundation because with their funding we can now recognize our volunteers that have reached their ten year anniversary with our organization. We are forever thankful for their unwavering dedication and commitment towards our Vision and Mission.” states Lisa Guthrie, Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator for the GTHS.

To celebrate and recognize the Georgian Bay Club Foundation and many other foundations, businesses and donors that have contributed to recent capital improvements at the animal shelter, the GTHS invites the community for an Afternoon of Appreciation.

Event details include:

Date: October 19th 2017

Time: 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Location: GTHS animal shelter, 549 Tenth Line

Cheque presentation photo includes: From left to right (back): Kathie Houghton, Ingrid McLeod-Dick, Bill McEwan, Lise Arnett, Wendy Williams, Rick Horodyski, Larry Dunn, Peter Butler (front) Deb Boyd, Paula Zubek

About the Georgian Triangle Humane Society

The Georgian Triangle Humane Society was founded in 1999 and is a registered charity dedicated to helping animals in need. It serves the area known as the Georgian Triangle, which includes the communities of Wasaga Beach, Stayner, Creemore, Collingwood, The Blue Mountains, Thornbury, Clarksburg, Meaford and the surrounding areas. The shelter operates solely on donations and money raised from fundraising efforts, with the assistance of a team of dedicated volunteers, staff and animal lovers.

Stay informed on GTHS events, initiatives and programs. Learn how the GTHS team is serving the pets and people of the South Georgian Bay Area. Read heart-warming Happy Tails about GTHS Alumni. See a lot of really cute pictures of dogs and cats!