Maddy Gillis, of RE/MAX four seasons Doug Gillis & Associates Realty, Brokerage, has recently donated $1,000 to GTHS Pet Support Services because during the time of lockdown, Maddy came to realize just how important the companionship of a pet is when people are faced with challenging situations. She wanted to make a difference by supporting programs that helped keep pets and people together in times of need.
We were so thrilled with Maddy’s donation that we wanted to dive into why she chose to donate to these important programs:
Q: Tell us about Lou.
A: I adopted Lou from the GTHS in August of 2017 and from the moment we met I knew it was a match. At the time he was around 30 pounds and needed some TLC. Now he’s down to about 18 pounds and has a new lease on life!
Q: How did Lou help you during difficult times throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic?
A: During COVID-19 he was always a source of entertainment, which was something I didn’t really know because I hadn’t spent this much time home from work before. He also has very strong opinions about when he should be fed, and how much. I also didn’t realize how much energy the guy really has – he would come sprinting down the stairs (which sounds like a herd of elephants) and then slide across the floor into his bed like it was no big deal at all.
We would spend time watching movies and t.v. shows and Lou would be cuddled right in with his eyes focused on the screen. We would also make frequent trips outside where I would put his harness and leash on and we would hang in the afternoon sun. Lou loves a good BBQ and birdwatching quickly became one of his favourite activities. It was always really comforting to have a friend around 24/7 during these uncertain times. Even if the mood was low, Lou’s quirky personality would always bring a smile to my face.
Q: Why you were inspired to support the GTHS Pet Support Services?
I think that Pet Support Services are extremely important because they truly help pet parents better provide for their animals. Just like COVID-19 has shown us, you can lose your sense of schedule, or your income can change or disappear all together at any time. Pet support services allow for unique and tailored ways of helping people keep their pets at home and cared for. I’m very grateful to be working during the pandemic, but if I were to imagine a scenario in which I wasn’t, providing for Lou whether its food or medical services would be financially stressful. No one should feel pressure to surrender their animal if they truly don’t want to and that’s what Pet Support Services is designed to prevent.
We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to Maddy for her generous contribution to our Pet Support Services. Learn more these services HERE