Catrick chose the perfect forever family!


He used to be known as Connor – a little kitten that came to GTHS with his siblings, who were dubbed the “C” litter.  Now he is known as Catrick, purrrr-er extraordinaire!

Catrick is loving his forever family, complete with human parents and canine and feline siblings.  We heard from his mom Lori not too long ago – here is her update:

Just an update on Connor (Now known as Catrick), the sweet little kitten that came to our home on December 3rd after GTHS nursed him back to health from a bad case of the kitty cold!

Since he’s been here, he’s made himself quite at home. We are very thankful to have him, he’s personality is perfect for our family. He gets along great with his brothers and sisters (both feline and canine). When he’s not busy chasing the laser, watching water droplets fall from the tap, grooming the dogs, or massaging his fellow felines, he is in your face, purring from head to toe enjoying your snuggles.

He is the absolute perfect addition to our family. We could not have found a more suitable creature for our home.
When we came to look at cats in the shelter, he chose us and we couldn’t be happier! Thanks GTHS!

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Stay informed on GTHS events, initiatives and programs. Learn how the GTHS team is serving the pets and people of the South Georgian Bay Area. Read heart-warming Happy Tails about GTHS Alumni. See a lot of really cute pictures of dogs and cats!