We love sharing these stories with you every week, but it’s extra special when we receive heart-warming updates from our ‘overlooked pets’ new parents. FIV+ kitty HUMPHREY was a shelter favourite for sure! The entire team was beaming when we read the following update:
“Humphrey’s new name is Benny….He is a perfect little cat and we certainly fell in love with him….He likes to play, especially with a string. He is Learning to play with some of his toys.like the ones that have bells in them. You can talk to him and he will always give you an answer. He follow us around from room to room. He seems he like to be in the same room one with us. He sleeps on our bed an night. In two days he made himself fight at home. A friend came in and he went right up to her. He seems to love everyone… .We are very happy that we got him. Thank you so much!”
We love our FIV+ cats and we love the people that open their hearts and homes to these special and deserving kitties!