Our BIG beautiful girl Chiquita was definitely a favourite at GTHS. So, we were all very surprised at how long this girl stayed at the shelter. She was fluffy, gorgeous and very affectionate.
Now we know why she was with us for so long….she was waiting for her absolute purrrfect family to come along!
Thanks for your email and post card, we just got it yesterday.
Chiquita, now “Fustwo” (pronounced foo•sh•too) is doing incredibly well.
She is still transitioning from the original food she was on, to what we use. But has already started to show signs of slimming down slightly.
Her favourite thing to do is to sit in one of the large picture windows looking out at the “bird channel’ the feeders which get a lot of attention in the winter. So she really seems to be enjoying her new home.
Recently she even started showing affection for our other cat Cleopatra! They sleep together on the bed at night, taking turns whose legs they are sleeping on or between.
She is a magnificent creature and we are very lucky to have found her!”
Way to go Chiquita!!